_ running/ Lubartowska | Ulrike Grossarth

running/ Lubartowska

Lublin 2011

In 2011, through the agency of curators Agnieszka Wiśniewska and Dominika Majuk in co-operation with Brama Grodzka Teatr NN, I was given the opportunity to relate different places in the city of Lublin to one another. In contrast to the previous projects, an exhibition entitled running/ Lubartowska involved various facilities, including two Jewish institutions, buildings and shops, so that a walk through the city from the ‘Brama Grodzka’ to the ‘Chachmei Lublin Yeschiva’, a Talmudic school established in the 1920s, suggested itself.

The word-skirts, a work I had specially designed for this purpose and consisting of a combination of elements from different historical eras, were exhibited in some shops on ulica Lubartowska and ulica Kowalska. The lettering is taken from the typography used by former shops on ulica Nowa and ulica Lubartowska. The ‘skirt’ is a motif from the article ‘Lingerie’ in Diderot’s and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie: ‘Lange de laine pour envelopper le nouveau né’ (woolen cloths for swaddling newborn babies). The exhibition, which was hosted in Lublin in 2011, gave me physical access to those spaces that remain in the dark in Stefan Kiełsznia’s photos.